When you see someone quiet,
When you just see a smile in return,
When a couple of words replace
An array told by you,
When reticence seems to shine,
When someone feels uncomfortable with
the language and words you utter,
When their eyes says it all, understand,
They prefer a better company.
When you sit quiet and listen,
You know what amount to gather;
You learn to filter out unwanted;
You keep what is needed to grow;
You understand the art of attention;
Your smile says it all without words;
Absolute decency and decorum
Maintained in highest standards;
This reflects that high quality you.
The best way to deal with people is patience;
The best reply to give people is smile;
The best behaviour in front of people is silence;
The best path to take when with a wrong group is abstain;
The best method to adopt when you dislike
the conversations is ignore;
The best route to take when you want to avoid
is politely yet assertively refuse;
Being reticent is not wrong when company is not right.
Sitting absolutely quiet and hearing
All the jabber is not easy a task;
Sitting still with active listening
Makes you stronger mentally;
Sitting silent and observing everything
Creates a kerfuffle in the minds of all;
Uttering sparse words only when
Direly needed makes you look high; for,
Nothing spoken is the best way.
Before your words flow think
how it will hurt the other who is external;
Before you treat others think
how it will come back to you in unexpected ways;
Before you insult people think
what you will face from them when needed;
You may take pride demeaning others
but the recipient will not forget you;
As you grow older tread with caution.
When you treat new people with disdain,
When your words are insidious,
When you consider them subservient,
When you try to extract as much,
When you insult them like a bully,
When you are unfair and unjust,
You must realise that you will not be forever young
and they will not forget your past deeds either.